Tag Archives: Barbara Joyce

Menzel studio, undated.

Herman and Willa Menzel

By Barbara Joyce for the Gazette, Winter 1996 Updated July 2022 It was an unconventional relationship. He stayed home, she commuted to the city. He painted, cooked, gardened, and helped with their child. She took the 8:20 a.m. train to her job as an art designer on State Street and paid the bills. He was […]

Abbott Patteson

Abbott Pattison

Gazette Article by: Barbara Joyce Appeared in the Gazette: Spring 1998 What does a sculptor say when people claim that modern works are too difficult to understand? “It’s hard to explain,” responded Abbott Pattison, world-renowned sculptor and former Winnetka resident. In a recent telephone conversation with Pattison in Italy, he said, “Things are different now […]

Ivan Albright

Portrayer of Darkness and Decay Gazette Article by: Barbara Joyce Appeared in the Gazette: Summer 1997 Longtime Winnetka residents may remember the large log cabin that once stood at 1258 Scott Avenue. The scale and style of this house stood apart from the stucco, brick, and frame homes of the neighborhood. In a similar way, […]

Zebra Mussels in Lake Michigan

Gazette Article by: Barbara Joyce Appeared in the Gazette: Summer 1996 The water at the beach has become so clear that bathers can wade in up to their necks and, looking down, still count their toes. To the delight of swimmers, Lake Michigan is cleaner now than at any time in this century. But biologists […]

Cartoonist Joe Parrish

Gazette Article by: Barbara Joyce Appeared in the Gazette: Summer 1995 Most people work for a living and, if they’re lucky, pursue hobbies in their free time. Joe Parrish, former political cartoonist and creature of the “Nature Notes” series for the Chicago Tribune, was one of the fortunate few who was able to pursue his […]

Winnetka Way: Barbara Joyce

Gazette Article by Barbara Joyce, Gazette Winter 1994 Winnetka Way articles are written by guest columnists who have been asked to share their memories of an aspect of Winnetka that they remember fondly. Winnetka Way articles debuted in 1994 and continue to the present. Dancing the Watusi…No Necking In the days when “hootenanny” was a […]