Tag Archives: Fall 2003

From left to right: D.B. Littrell, Major G.E. Cook, E.J. Lundin, Hon. H.L. Ickes, C.G. Sauers, H.W. Snell, Photo taken at National Park Service Headquarters, Camp Skokie Valley, Spril 3, 1938, on occasion of the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps. WHS Object 1976.59.28 (© all rights reserved)

“Honest” Harold Ickes

Gazette Article by: Betsy Landes Appeared in the Gazette: Fall 2003 What do Theodore Roosevelt, Jane Addams, the Skokie Lagoons, Marian Anderson, the Key West Highway, and Winnetka’s railroad tracks all have in common? Distinguished Winnetkan Harold LeClaire Ickes is the link. He was born near Altoona, Pennsylvania, on March 15, 1874. After his mother’s […]

40 Woodley Road

Gazette Article by: Nan Greenough Appeared in the Gazette: Fall 2003 House of the Season: The Home and Studio of John Nash Ott If you turn down one of the many offshoots of the spaghetti-like maze that is Woodley Road, you may find yourself on a country lane that curves around to the right and […]

The Cradle of Winnetka

Gazette Article by: Joan Evanich Appeared in the Gazette: Fall 2003 Around Your Neighborhood: The Cradle of Winnetka Imagine you are on an August trip in the family vehicle —hot, tired and looking for a place to stop. You have been traveling for a long time and the kids are getting cranky. Now imagine it […]