Tag Archives: Fall/Winter 2014


A History of the Winnetka Fire Department

By Helen Weaver, Fall/Winter 2014  Updated 2022 When Winnetka was first incorporated as a village in 1869, fire was a fearsome threat. Early Winnetkans fought fires by joining with their neighbors in bucket brigades, dousing fires with barrels of lake water carried by horse and wagon, or buckets of water drawn from nearby wells and […]


Winter Wonderland

When Winnetka Was the World Capital of Sledding By Duff Peterson Originally published in the Fall/Winter 2014 Gazette Before organized activities came to dominate the lives of Winnetka children, one pastime in particular enjoyed immense popularity here: sledding. Winnetka’s long winters and steep terrain provided ideal conditions, and along with skating on the Park District’s […]


Historic Civil Rights Milestone in July 2015

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech on the Village Green By Cecile Hales Originally published the Fall/Winter 2014 Gazette Fifty years—surely a milestone to be celebrated and an opportunity to look back, no matter what the original event. In this case the event was truly historic: July 2015 will mark 50 […]