Martin Luther King Event Spurs Action by Winnetka Eighth Graders Gazette Article by: Susan Whitcomb Appeared in the Gazette: Spring/Summer 2007 Cecilia Gigiolio, a Social Studies teacher at Washburne School, attended the January 15, 2007 Martin Luther King in Winnetka panel discussion with several of her eighth grade students. The next day, the class had […]
Tag Archives: Susan Crowe Whitcomb
Winnetka Public Schools’ Art Treasures: “Bird Girl” and WPA Mural
Categories: Gazette
Gazette Article by: Becky Hurley and Susan Whitcomb Appeared in the Gazette: Spring 2010Sometime in the 1950s, Lake Forest sculptor Sylvia Shaw Judson donated the original plaster model of one of her sculptures to Crow Island School. It sat in the corner of the art room watching children create masterpieces for more than 40 years. […]
What Brought the Lady Elgin to Chicago?
Categories: Gazette
Gazette Column by Susan Whitcomb Appeared in the Gazette: Fall 2010 Often ignored in the retelling of the Lady Elgin disaster is the reason that over 300 people from Milwaukee’s Irish Third Ward came to Chicago on September 7, 1860. Although some accounts claim the travelers were going to see the Lincoln-Douglas debates, this is […]

Matchett Letters Open Door on WWII Love Story
Categories: Gazette
Gazette Article by Susan Crowe Whitcomb Appeared in the Gazette: Spring 2011 Letters to and from Americans serving in the military during World War II were as important to victory as ammunition and K-rations. The connection with loved ones was vital to morale overseas and commitment to the war effort at home. The Historical Society […]